Forum Replies Created
MemberSo are all the modern Republicans who have been identified as being KKK affiliated, former DIxiecrats like Strom Thurmond?
MemberTom shared that he is updating so, I thought why not bump this thread to give Liberty Classroom a much needed feature upgrade.
MemberBut what about the Arab people who live in that region.
I saw one video on YT by CaspianReport(who I consider pretty good about reporting world events and history) and he explained that the Palestinian People are actually Jordanians(which technically makes them Syrians, because Jordan was created from part of Ottoman Syria).
I know that two political strains of Pan-Arab and Pro-Nationalist have exist within Palestinian politics, but was the concept of a “Palestinian Identity” a response by local Arabs to Zionism?
MemberPrivate Property. Either you have the right to determine who is allowed on your property, or you do not.
Now the common refrain is “But by having a business and opening it to the public, your business is now public property”
Perhaps, Dr Gutzman could take a stab at this one.
I would recomend rewatching the Consitutional History course that relates to the Civil Rights Era.
Member1) History of Middle East
2) History of Latin America(Colonization-Present)
3) History of Modern Africa(Colonization-Present)
The last two are of particular interest to me, since these two areas are almost COMPLETELY dominated by leftists, more specifically (especially in the case of latin america) marxists.
MemberWhat is your name?
Thomas Bivens
How do you describe yourself ideologically?
Constitutionalist LibertarianHow did you first hear about Tom Woods?
I mostly followed Ron Paul in 2007 after a friend turned me on to him, and I started listening to him on youtube. I first heard Tom at the Rally for the Republic. I will never forget the energy I felt watching it on my television. For those first few months, I felt uneasy and unsure if I was the only one who felt this way. Were all those video comments from trolls or agents of Ron’s campaign?The Rally changed that. It was the first time I saw a room full of people, most of them not much older than me(or the same age). I felt the energy in that room from so many people who believed in liberty. It tore me up that I could not be there. My greatest regret is that i could not go and have not been able to afford to go any liberty event.
Anyways, at that i event I saw both Tom and Lew Rockwell for the first time. That time, I started to follow and Tom was on of the more regular article writers back then.
In Tom, I saw a person who could articulate Ron’s views in a way that would crush the opposition.
One of my proudest moments of Tom was when he crushed Congressmen Mel Watt(D-Bank of America) and forced him to shut up. I had never seen ANYONE get Mel Watt to shutup(that man loves to hear his own voice). It did not surprised me in the slightest that he was one of the 5 congresscritters who got a thank you from the Fed. ”
Facebook and Twitter profiles?
I keep my FB for my small group of friends(I have less FB friends than everyone I know)
My twitter profile is mostly neglected.
Other Fun facts about you?
My Favorite Star Wars Movie is Episode III, because that is where the Great Galactic War(The Clone Wars) is revealed to be a plot to centralize power in the hands of one person(Supreme Chancellor,and later Emperor, Palpatine).I am interested in writing and game development.
Courses your looking forward too?
History of Money and Banking
History of the Middle East(These three areas have been so dominated by leftists for far too long)
History of Latin America
History of Modern Africa
History of Southeast AsiaSociety and Liberty:A liberty-based approach to Sociology(Another area that has been dominated by cultural marxists)
MemberExcellent! I thought so, but I wanted to be sure before I brought up the issue the next time I discussed it.
MemberI was wondering if the Democrats had any constitutional leg to stand on in regards to this issue.
So what is the Constitutional response to the reply “The people of DC deserve to be represented in Congress, just like the States”.
Is an acceptable rebuttal that the Constitution should be legally amended?
MemberI thought about this some more, and realized that this was more from Stewart’s writers, than stewart himself. Stewart and the Judge are good friends, so I expect no mailce on his part. His writer’s however, have been given the standard pro-government education, and wanted to smash this person who is so critical of their beloved lincoln.
MemberThere is an Austrian economist who lives in Detroit. Her name escapes me, but she is always a good place to start.
April 4, 2013 at 1:10 pm in reply to: Application of the US Constitution to state/local laws.. #20603jathrinthoyan
MemberThanks for the clarification. So how can we counter the argument that state nullification is being used to restrict the bill of rights?
April 3, 2013 at 2:46 pm in reply to: Application of the US Constitution to state/local laws.. #20601jathrinthoyan
MemberBuilding on this, you may or may not have heard that North Carolina’s new “Establishment of Religion” bill is being used by the Nationalists to demonize those of us who support the tenth amendment and nullification.
I am aware that certain colonies did have state religions(like Massachusetts), so how do we deal with the argument from progressives who see everything as a national issue and just salivating at the chance for the supreme court to strike down a state law?
MemberMy name is Thomas Bivens and I am college graduate with an IT background currently seeking work. My introduction to the Liberty was, like most people, through Ron Paul.
A friend had posted a Ron Paul vid on his facebook wall and I have been watching them ever since. My introduction to Tom was through Lew Rockwell’s speech at Rally for the Republic when i watched it on CSPAN. I now have in favorites and check it everyday. From there I ended up following all the major players in the Liberty Movement.
I had always loved history, and Tom (along with others like Dilorenzo and the Professors here like Jewell) provided a refreshing view of history. I now qoal finding myself listening to many videos over the course of my day.Cannot wait for the economics course.
My only further suggestion would be to have a forum for Course Suggestions(example:Health and Fitness with Mark Sisson)