Who is worse, Obama or Romney?

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    I know this is like choosing between two piles of turd, but if you had to choose, which one and why?


    Obamey is worse because he serves the anti business wing of the statists.
    Obamey is worse because 8 years will allow him to soldify his statist views.


    Well, this is basically like choosing between Hitler and Stalin. Both are terrible, both are going to bring the country down even farther, both are pro-war, both advocate unsound economic policies, and both are puppets.

    I’ve tempted to have hope Obama would win this election just for the faint hope that atleast capitalism wouldn’t be blamed if the downturn gets worse and maybe Obama’s socialism as, some have stated. Then, I realized it doesn’t matter whoever wins! Unless, it’s Ron Paul…no doubt the Free Market will be blamed whatever if it’s a Democrat or Republican in office.

    The lesser of the two evils is still evil anyway…….


    honestly, I am not sure which is worse. With obama you know what you’re going to get, so you have the anybody but obama people, but then I do wonder if romney could make things worse, especially when it comes to foreign policy. I don’t think they are any different when it comes to domestic, but romney beats the war drums even harder than obama. its so hard to tell which is worse.

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