Thank You, Professor Birzer!

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by t.
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  • #21785

    Thank you, Professor Birzer!

    This course is amazing, as was your first one.

    I have not done the entire course yet, but the stuff on Tolkien is amazing. Especially the 2 Mythology ones. Some of the points you touch on in this are soooo so key and soooo understated today.

    I just wanted to thank you for putting your heart and soul into these. I am a much better person for it. And thank you Tom, for inviting him. Please do more!

    Liberty Classroom is a wonderful place!


    I will second this comment in every way. I am not one to read fiction, and I know Professor Birzer made a comment about folks like me….but I find the insights into
    these classic writers and their works to be fantastic.

    Thank you for this class, and I think Tom and everyone else for creating a great place that Liberty Classroom is.



    Professor Birzer,

    I finished the class, and I have to say it was most excellent. I did feel as though I was drinking from a firehose, but it was a good feeling as I was hearing so much that held together well and really made sense.

    This is a class I will certainly listen to two or three times more. (it is that good)

    Thank you for your doing this,


    Listening and loving it. Thank you and God bless.

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