With the ratification period, standing as proof for all history, as a time filled with intelligent debate (foresight on behalf of Mason, Brutus, Henry and others, that our government has too many loop-holes and commentary from proponents that what is not expressed is reserved), how is it these abuses continue to happen? Through this great website and wonderful source material, anyone can plainly see that we have grossly overstepped the parameters of what the intent of our republic is to be. In countless Supreme Court rulings and government laws made, we see this period completely usurped and treated indignantly. How can this continue, with a straight face? I would understand it far better if these charlatans would simply state, “Hey, listen, your constitution is dead, it’s anachronistic and we will no longer follow it as a modus operandi. Instead, there’s a vainglorious rhetoric paid to those men, their speeches and documents, while government pursues a contrary objective. Am I conspiratorial to think there is some “back-roomed handshake” type of government ensuing? Am I crazy for pointing out the cognitive dissidence that must go on in the average American’s brain, to tolerate this two-faced Janus? Is it too much to ask for bare consistency?