I just read this article. http://mises.org/daily/1406
I work in education. I really want to discuss further if everyone thinks public education is really all that bad. I agree with many libertarian views and am hoping that my profession is not part of the problem. We do insist upon early intervention with students (especially in the areas or reading and mathematics). Now, I understand that schools spend WAY to much money per pupil, but are these programs and services we provide in the school really destroying the sancitity of the family?
I never tell a parent how to raise their children, I just tell them if we need to intervene on their academics. If after an evaluation they are deemed eligible for special education then they go into special education and receive intense (sometimes one on one) interventions. I know this costs a lot of money, but does everyone here really think that it is destroying the family?
The district I work in is about 50% white and 50% black. There are hundreds of studies out there suggesting that if a black student is not reading by the time they are in 3rd grade their jail rate rate rises to about 70%. That is HUGE.
Let me know your thoughts…..