Please Help!: Unconscious Bias & Empathy Training Workshop

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  • #20478

    On Monday (May 15, 2017), my employer has me scheduled to participate in an all-day training session “Unconscious Bias & Empathy Training Workshop”.

    It was introduced to me as something that would help when facilitating strategy sessions with clients, leading cross-functional teams, and designing software that delights users. It all sounded good to me.

    Unfortunately, now that I’ve started reviewing the prep materials for the workshop, it seems that there is a huge bias in the training itself: Instead of objectively exploring how the mind works and practicing empathy, it looks like it will all be done through the lens of Identity Politics.

    Basically, as a white man, I will be labeled a racist misogynist.

    Knowing myself, it will be hard not to take those labels personally and react with emotion. At the same time, I know if I prepare and come ready with an informed rational perspective to fall back on, I’ll be able to peacefully stand my ground with confidence.

    So, please, point me to any resources, especially consumable articles, that I can review over this weekend.

    Thank you.


    This kind of course has become increasingly popular with college administrators. To my recollection, articles describing such courses have been posted by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), National Review, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, The Weekly Standard, the American Enterprise Institute,, and others. They’re all over the internet.

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