Managerial vs Socialist

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    Dear Professor Birzer,

    I just finished listening to your lectures for Trails West. A whole new old world has been opened up to me and I enjoyed it immensely–even listening to them again.

    My inquiry has to do with a conversation I had with my brother-in-law a short while ago. He was insisting that Social Security is not socialism because he paid into the system. I said, that the government taxes its citizens then manages the system, in my mind, makes it socialism. Is there a distinction I’m missing; and, if so, what are the implications?


    Patricia Colling


    Hi Patricia, I’m so sorry that I’m so late in replying. This is my fault, not Tom’s. I’ll be much better in the future.

    Anyway. . . to try to answer your question. I’m no economist, but I’m taking the idea of a managerial state from James Burnham as well as from George Orwell (who took it from Burnham). The difference, as I understand it, is that while all socialisms are managerial, not all managerial states are socialist. That is, a crony capitalist state can be just as managerial. This seems to be the natural outgrowth a society experiences after leaving the relationships and relational associations found in the pre-modern period. As we bureacratize as a people, it matters little whether we do so as socialists or capitalists. Still, I’d recommend a great book by David Wrobel (can’t remember the title right now) which explores the relationship of Frederick Jackson Turner and FDR. Hope this helps.


    Okay, well I guess I would say it was a socialist program within the framework of a more broadly based managerial system. I’m taking note of the reading material. Thank you.


    Yuri, in this interview (last third) mentions Mises’ view on the types of socialism…

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