Christianity and Liberty

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  • #19898

    Anyone have book suggestion pertaining to Christianity and Libertarianism/Politics? I’ve read a few articles on LRC about Romans 13, but I’m interested in more. Plus…its summer, so I need something for the beach.


    someone might have written a book on that topic. I hear it’s pretty good.

    (Note that while it’s written with Catholicism in mind, many if not most of its points are pertinent to Christians generally. At least I found them to be so).

    If you’re looking for something that highlights libertarian-esque themes in the Christian intellectual tradition, then many chapters of this cover that. Plus the author has some fun with Taborites, Anabaptists, and the like.

    If you want something more Biblically oriented, Gary North recently finished something like a 3272 volume economic commentary on the Bible (wait maybe it was only 31 volumes).


    Look up Joel McDurmon, Gary North as mentioned, Gary Demar, Laurence Vance, and Jerry Johnson

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