Reply To: Parthia


Dr. J:

Thank you for your response.

Steven Collin’s books are significant to the historical account of civilization in the west. The Parthians were Israelites that achieved independence from Persia after the Babylonian captivity. They were conquered by the Romans and the Persians acting in concert. The Parthians fled north through the Caucus Mountains. Their footprint memorialized by many names that remain even today. The Danube, Denmark, (tribe of Dan) Saxony, Saccae (Issacs sons) Briton (P-R-T or B-R-T, Ephrim) Iberian (Eber) The Sythians, Kermans (Germans, tribe of Gad) and many more clues that are right in front of our noses. The Parthians are mentioned several times in Scripture also.

I found Steven Collin’s books on the lost tribes (5 total) to be very well documented and grounded in factual evidence. As I see it, The timelines of the fall of Rome very closely coincide with a reorganization the these lost tribes, mainly in Germania. Of course Rome called them Barbarians, but I always wondered how a bunch of bruts with sticks and clubs could take out five Roman Legions.

While it is certainly true Greco Roman influence of the west is evident, the Parthians may have shaped Western Civilization more than we know, especially in the Chursh of the East.

Thank you again for responding.

All the best,
