- In the Beginning
- Gardens of Eden
- Some Early Civilisations
- The Emergence of the Ruling Class
- What a Piece of Work is Man
- The Sophists and the Polis
- The Sophists on Law and Nature
- The Republic (1)
- The Republic (2)
- Statesman and Laws
- Polis and Slavery
- Chrematistics, Economics and Politics
- Politics
- Slavery—Natural or Conventional?
- Slavery—Stoic, Jewish and Christian Views
- Epicureanism, Scepticism and Stoicism
- Cicero
- Seneca and the Roman Lawyers
- Scriptural Interpretation and Samuel
- Romans 13 et al.
- City of God, City of the Earth
- The State as Thieftaker
- Augustine—Realpolitik
- After Rome
- Slavery, Authority and Justice
- The Universities and the Cities
- Feudalism and the Law
- Kingship and John of Salisbury
- Law
- Sources of Political Authority
- Sacred and Secular, Tyranny (and an aside on Sir John Fortescue)
- Slavery, Property, Usury and Heresy
- Intimations of Modernity
- The Defender of the Peace
- Valentior Pars
- Christian? Aristotelian?
- Machiavellian?
- Money and Usury
- Utility, Value and Price
- Wycliffe & Luther
- Luther; Radical Reformers
- Calvin