Freedom’s Progress:
The History of Political Thought, Part I-Mobile

  1. In the Beginning
  2. Gardens of Eden
  3. Some Early Civilisations
  4. The Emergence of the Ruling Class
  5. What a Piece of Work is Man
  6. The Sophists and the Polis
  7. The Sophists on Law and Nature
  8. The Republic (1)
  9. The Republic (2)
  10. Statesman and Laws
  11. Polis and Slavery
  12. Chrematistics, Economics and Politics
  13. Politics
  14. Slavery—Natural or Conventional?
  15. Slavery—Stoic, Jewish and Christian Views
  16. Epicureanism, Scepticism and Stoicism
  17. Cicero
  18. Seneca and the Roman Lawyers
  19. Scriptural Interpretation and Samuel
  20. Romans 13 et al.
  21. City of God, City of the Earth
  22. The State as Thieftaker
  23. Augustine—Realpolitik
  24. After Rome
  25. Slavery, Authority and Justice
  26. The Universities and the Cities
  27. Feudalism and the Law
  28. Kingship and John of Salisbury
  29. Law
  30. Sources of Political Authority
  31. Sacred and Secular, Tyranny (and an aside on Sir John Fortescue)
  32. Slavery, Property, Usury and Heresy
  33. Intimations of Modernity
  34. The Defender of the Peace
  35. Valentior Pars
  36. Christian? Aristotelian?
  37. Machiavellian?
  38. Money and Usury
  39. Utility, Value and Price
  40. Wycliffe & Luther
  41. Luther; Radical Reformers
  42. Calvin