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MemberTwo years later, I’m also looking for the best order in which to take the classes, several of which have been added since 2013. Here’s my current plan, but Dr. Woods and others may have better suggestions (please comment if so):
1) Introduction to Logic – getting crystal clear on reasoning before doing anything else seems wise
2) Austrian Economics, Step by Step – an obvious next step since Austrian Econ is logic-based, and economics is probably a great lens and context for understanding history better
3) John Maynard Keynes – armed with Austrian Econ, take on Keynes
4) What’s Wrong With Textbook Economics – then take on mainstream Econ as it developed in the decades after Keynes5,6) Western Civilization to 1500, Western Civilization Since 1500 – see the big picture to have context to better understand the U.S. and to have the raw material to understand the history of political thought
7,8) U.S. History to 1877, U.S. History Since 1877 – the obvious next step
9) The American Revolution: A Constitutional Conflict – either take this next as a special subtopic, or possibly inject this whole course after the appropriate chapter in “U.S. History to 1877” then proceed with the rest of the latter
10) Trails West: How Freedom Settled the West – another special subtopic, or inject into one of the U.S. History courses11,12) History of Political Thought, Part I and Part II – having a solid basis in econ and history, now get the big picture of the development of political philosophy
13) U.S. Constitutional History – then take on this special topic, or inject it after the appropriate chapters of History of Political Thought
14) The History of Conservatism and Libertarianism – special focus on two strands of political thought, probably can’t inject well into another course since they span considerable time -