Threat of Sharia Law?

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  • #20959

    If we did not have a constitution, i.e. if we lived in a stateless society, how would individuals or groups of people fight against Muslims imposing Sharia law against others through force?


    Stateless Society implies a society WITHOUT a state, so there is no entity to impose sharia law. You might as well ask what is to prevent someone from setting up the burgundian code in a stateless society. Without a State, legal commitments are voluntary, and laws become nothing more than contracts enforced by private authorities.

    This nonsense about Sharia-law has been a meme in the post-9/11 USA. It’s not like their are legions of behadings going on in michigan right now.

    Muslims are a minority in the US, so they would not have the numbers to enforce ANY legal system.

    Judge Andrew Napolitano lays this nonsense to rest on Fox News of all places:

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