Books on Thomas Jefferson

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    My girlfriend is taking a US History class and, to my joy, is choosing to focus on Jefferson for her in class project. Is there one book in particular that would be best to direct her to on Jefferson? I’d probably read it myself. I know DiLorenzo recommended “Liberty, State, and Union: The Political Theory of Thomas Jefferson” – what do you guys think?


    I should note the book needs to be of the biographical sort.


    The best short Jefferson bio. is Bernstein’s THOMAS JEFFERSON. The best book on Jefferson’s political philosophy is David Mayer’s THE CONSTITUTIONAL THOUGHT OF THOMAS JEFFERSON; Mayer happens to be a libertarian law professor. I’m presently writing a book, THOMAS JEFFERSON, REVOLUTIONARY, that will cover … what the title indicates. There are a plethora of Jefferson books — basically one on any sub-topic that comes to mind, such as Jefferson as gardener, Jefferson as diplomat, Jefferson as constitutionalist, Jefferson and Madison, Jefferson and Marshall, Jefferson and Adams, Jefferson in retirement, Jefferson and UVA, Jefferson and France, Jefferson as architect, Jefferson and women, Jefferson and Indians, Jefferson and slavery, Jefferson and Hemings, Jefferson and the Declaration, etc. If she comes up with some sub-topic that she’d like to explore, I’ll be happy to recommend a title.


    Awesome, thanks so much for the detailed reply


    You’re welcome. We aim to please!

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