Best New Releases of Sci-Fi in TV or Film and film lists

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    @Brad, thank you for doing this series of lectures which I am in the middle of. Please comment on the film below.

    this thread is dedicated to Best New Releases of Sci-Fi in TV or Film and film lists. This thread will be a place that one can come to time and again to see what is out there that is new/newish that covers sci-fi especially from a Liberty Classroom point of view.

    Tonight, I just watched an amazing sci-fi movie called Predestination on

    Edit(I include links for the film)

    It was very well acted, smaller budget yet very well done. It is a time travel thriller that is very original. Only upon looking at the credits, I noticed it was based on a short story by Robert A. Heinlein.

    This movie is probably is now in my top ten of time travel movies.

    @readers of this thread, so what are the new movies, tv shows in Sci-Fi that have found interesting. Do you know of any good websites that list sci-fi tv and movies from a libertarian perspective?

    SPOILER ALERT. Do not read further.

    @Brad, given that you are doing the course, I would be interested in your perspective of the film. Many times ethically, in sci-fi and contemplative thought, we are given the opportunity of thought of what we would do if we could only inform our younger selves as to the lessons to be learned. Yet, what if that choice was given in the other direction of time. How would we change/alter/prevent our older selves from doing what they do? This movie could be dissected in so many ways: butterfly effect, regression, time travel distortion, etc etc.

    No simple answers but a simple question: What if I could put the man responsible in front of you, what would you do?



    The absolutely best modern sci-fi series is F. Paul Wilson’s LaNague Chronicles!! Bar none, IMHO. His first book (first published, as well as the first in the series) Healer is a fantastic introduction to Libertarian philosophy. So subtle, it draws the reader in without you even realise what’s happening.

    It’s not the most complex or well-written book I’ve ever read, but still significant.


    Thanks for the recommendation. I will definitely watch asap.

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