Reply To: Lecture3 Egypt – Pyramids


Thanks a lot, Dr. J, for your reply and for pointing out this course. I have just bought it 🙂

It is still too early for me to make conclusions on the topic of the pyramids. I am very interested in further pursuing this topic, however, as I feel that very fundamental conclusions on the nature of humanity hinge on this topic.

Playing devil’s advocate against the conclusion of mainstream science (that pyramids were built by the Egyptians as tombs for the pharaohs), I would see the following indications (not more and not less) at the moment not in favor of mentioned mainstream conclusion:

– An alternative view could be that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh is much older than assumed today. Egyptians then might have tried to reproduce pyramids on their own with quite poor results. But even if Egyptians had previous experience setting up pyramids and then built the Great Pyramid of Gizeh around ~2500 BC, the level of accuracy is still tremendous: an area of 13 square acres, 2.3 mio quite big stones and the apex is only a quarter of an inch off center. Doing this with today’s technology is quite difficult at the least and probably even impossible (I will have to verify this, though). It is difficult to believe how Egyptians four and a half thousand years ago would have been able to do so with much poorer technology and much fewer resources than we have available today. It would still take 2 minutes per stone for 20 full years (at 12 working hours per day). Some impressive pictures to illustrate:

– According to Haramein (I will have to verify these claims, too) there are no hieroglyphs in any pyramid and no mummy has ever been found inside any pyramid worldwide. The argument of tomb raiders is poor, if it is true that in modern day we had to initially use dynamite in order to get into the pyramid at all. Also, according to Haramein the Egyptians have never claimed to have built the pyramids (something to be verified, too), which would seem odd at least.

– It is not straightforward to me (yet) how ancient Egyptians would have been able to cut stones of this size and precision (with their rudimentary technology at that time) and transport them significant distances.

– The following is a weaker argument, but still: I have learned over the past two years, that mainstream science sometimes can be quite dubious. Examples: I have studied economics at University, which consisted almost entirely of Keynesianism. I was quite startled to recently realize (also thanks to people like Tom Woods) that all these years at University were nothing but outright and intentional propaganda and brainwash. Friends of mine in different academic fields (for example in medical fields) have made (and continue to make) similar discoveries. As such I have grown skeptical of mainstream conclusions on important topics. I know, applied to the specific topic of pyramids, this is a poor argument at best. However it is still something that is in the back of mind, when trying to analyse this topic.

– Some sources (like Manetho) seem to suggest the Egypt’s history goes back much further. I assume (again, to be verified) that there could be some probability that these sources are actually right and the current mainstream consent could be wrong.

– It would also fit in nicely with Jeremiah 32:20: If this paragraph is partially historic in nature, then Jeremiah could actually be referring to the Great Pyramids here.

I know, a lot of speculation at this point. I will have to dig much deeper on this subject in order to be able to make anything close to a solid statement/conclusion.

Sidenote: Thanks again for making your work available in this form. I am still thrilled by the level of quality and excellence in the content that I have purchased here.