Reply To: The Logical Implications of Human Action


Okay, thank you.

Well first we have the first premise person’s act.

Next are the implications, which are reflections based on the premise that person’s act. (at least the first 7 anyway).

1. Only individuals act
2. Action Takes Time
3. The future in uncertain (not completely random, but not completely determined).
4. Action is trying to change an existing situation into a more satisfactory situation
5. Means are Scarce
6. Means are allocated
7. Means are economized (different from being allocated because this implication gives a criteria for allocating, which is allocating based on higher-valued ends and using lesser valued means to achieve these higher-valued ends).
8. Value is subjective.
9. Cost is subjective
10. Profit is subjective
11. Value is imputed to means (imputed according to what ends they will serve).
12. The Laws of Utility (First is the diminishing law of marginal utility, and the second is the law of total utility).
13. The allocation of consumer goods (allocate to get the highest marginal utility).

These are the most fundamental implications of personal and interpersonal action. with 12 and 13 being implications in regards to interpersonal action.

