Same question. Some of these are straightforward as they include clear date ranges, but others are a little more ambiguous.
The ordering is a little subjective (history vs. economy vs. political), but looking quickly through the list, here is my proposed list, with 2 caveats: (1) I am not a historian, and though I have read a decent amount I’d expect some suggested changes from faculty members who had a hand in creating the courses, and (2) I haven’t reviewed the specifics for each page yet, so there may be more specific date information to guide the finer ordering. Feedback welcome!
Should be part of thought process from beginning
Introduction To Logic
Overall Western Civ historical base
Western Civilization To 1500
Western Civilization Since 1500
Overall background of political/economic contribution to history, built on Western Civ base
History of Political Thought, Part 1
History of Economic Thought, Part 1
History of Political Thought, Part 2
History of Economic Thought, Part 2
US focus part 1, interleave history with economic/constitutional/coverage of individuals of the period
US History To 1877
American Economic History, Part 1
The American Revolution: A Constitutional Conflict
The Early Republic, 1807-1820
The Jefferson Nobody Knows
How Hamilton Screwed Up America
How Freedom Settled the West
US focus part 2, interleave history with economic/constitutional/coverage of individuals of the period
US History Since 1877
American Economic History, Part 2
Little Houses of Liberty, Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Literary Genius
Latin American History
US Constitutional History
Austrian Economics, Step by Step
Keynes: Overview and Critique
Contemporary topics, best-covered with deep understanding of historical, political, economic base
What’s Wrong with Textbook Economics
Conservatism and Libertarianism
The Presidents: Best and Worst
SciFi, Liberty, and Dystopia, Part 1
SciFi, Liberty, and Dystopia, Part 2
Mythology and Western Civilization
Critical Theories, Cultural Studies, and Postmodern Theory