October 3, 2017 at 2:51 am
You can see the full diagram here.
Basically it describes the ultimate causes as economic, arising from the natural desire to specialize and delegate. As soon as someone starts freely delegating defense services to someone else, the chain of events is set in motion that leads ultimately to the State.
Also, in your last post, you mention several undesirable effects associated with the establishment of the State:
Herd instinct
Yearning for paternal authority
Tendency to gang up under a leader
Fear of liberty
Fear of responsibility
Irksomeness of responsibility
Desire for self-transcendence (misdirected)
Human cascade
Habit of obedience
Ideological supports
Culture of subservience (“born as serfs”)
Consent to servitude
I believe all of these have economic considerations at their root. Here is a diagram illustrating it.
You can see the full image here.
In other words, all these undesirable effects, and the State itself, all originate from simple, straightforward economic motivations.