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American Economic History, Part I
American Economic History, Part II
American Economic History, Part III
A History of Free Thought
Austrian Economics, Step by Step
Colonial Latin American History
Crimes of Communism
Critical Theory, Cultural Studies, and Postmodern Theory
Freedom’s Progress: The History of Political Thought, Part I
Freedom’s Progress: The History of Political Thought, Part II
History of Economic Thought, Part I: Classical Economics and the Marginal Revolution
History of Economic Thought, Part II: 20th Century Economics
How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America
Introduction to Logic
John Maynard Keynes: His System and Its Fallacies
Libertarianism and Science Fiction: The Golden Age from Bradbury to Roddenberry
Little Houses of Liberty: Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Literary Genius
Mythology and Western Civilization: From Plato to Tolkien
Science Fiction, Liberty, and Dystopia, Part I
Science Fiction, Liberty, and Dystopia, Part II
The 10 Worst and 10 Best Presidents
The American Revolution: A Constitutional Conflict
The Early Republic, 1807-1820
The Great Reset
The History of Conservatism and Libertarianism
The History and Heritage of Western and American Civilization
The Thomas Jefferson Nobody Knows
Trails West: How Freedom Settled the West
U.S. Constitutional History
U.S. History to 1877
U.S. History Since 1877
Western Civilization to 1500
Western Civilization Since 1500
What’s Wrong with Textbook Economics
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Master Exclusive
Introduction to Government
Western Civilization to 1492
Western Civilization From 1493
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American Economic History, Part I
American Economic History, Part II
American Economic History, Part III
A History of Free Thought
Austrian Economics, Step by Step
Colonial Latin American History
Crimes of Communism
Critical Theory, Cultural Studies, and Postmodern Theory
Freedom’s Progress: The History of Political Thought, Part I
Freedom’s Progress: The History of Political Thought, Part II
History of Economic Thought, Part I: Classical Economics and the Marginal Revolution
History of Economic Thought, Part II: 20th Century Economics
How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America
Introduction to Logic
John Maynard Keynes: His System and Its Fallacies
Libertarianism and Science Fiction: The Golden Age from Bradbury to Roddenberry
Little Houses of Liberty: Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Literary Genius
Mythology and Western Civilization: From Plato to Tolkien
Science Fiction, Liberty, and Dystopia, Part I
Science Fiction, Liberty, and Dystopia, Part II
The 10 Worst and 10 Best Presidents
The American Revolution: A Constitutional Conflict
The Early Republic, 1807-1820
The Great Reset
The History of Conservatism and Libertarianism
The History and Heritage of Western and American Civilization
The Thomas Jefferson Nobody Knows
Trails West: How Freedom Settled the West
U.S. Constitutional History
U.S. History to 1877
U.S. History Since 1877
Western Civilization to 1500
Western Civilization Since 1500
What’s Wrong with Textbook Economics
Live Sessions
Master Exclusive
Introduction to Government
Western Civilization to 1492
Western Civilization From 1493
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What’s Wrong with Textbook Economics
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Jeff Herbener
Jeffrey M. Herbener is chairman of the department of economics at Grove City College, associate editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, and editor of The Meaning of Ludwig von Mises and The Pure Time Preference Theory of Interest.
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Course Content
Is there a distinctive economic way of thinking?
What is the proper role of the state in the economy?
How do prices coordinate social interaction?
How useful is demand and supply analysis?
Homo Economicus or homo agens?
Is the business firm merely a production function?
Is cost merely the monetization of a production function?
Need competition be perfect?
Is competition everywhere imperfect?
Is regulation necessary?
Is risk distinct from uncertainty?
Are income and wealth equitably distributed?
Are wages deserved?
Do we exploit the environment?
Are interest and profit really necessary?
Where do we draw the line between the state and the market?
How do we help the poor?
How should we treat foreigners?
What is macroeconomics?
Are there any useful macroeconomic statistics?
Which is more important, consumption or investment?
What causes business cycles?
How does money affect production?
Is monetary policy stabilizing or destabilizing?
What causes economic growth?
Why is economic growth uneven?
What determines the pattern of international trade?
How does an open-economy operate?
What causes unemployment?
What causes inflation?
What are the consequences of government debt?
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Course Includes
31 Lessons